Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Here We Go...

This is my first post about the new baby and I feel kinda weird even typing that I'm pregnant again. I feel like everyone will think that this baby is replacing Ava and they're not. Either way the emotions that I'm feeling are making me exhausted. I'm happy, sad, nervious, anxious...yeah, all of that bottled up in one. My husband was beginning to think I was a crazy woman considering the fact that I took about 12 pregnancy tests before I accepted that I was actually pregnant.

We had an ultrasound last Tuesday and we got a due date. It really wont be official until my next ultrasound. We seen the sac and the little yolk sac. It was pretty amazing to see that so early. As of right now, we are due on Christmas Day. I think this is gonna be one special baby. Found out I was preggo on Easter and due on Christmas. Anywho. I went and seen Dr. Jacobs yesterday and he was so excited for us. He assured me that he would take care of me and make sure everything went just the way I wanted it to go this time around. He confirmed that if all is well with baby, we will be delivering at 37 weeks which is the first week of Decemeber. That seems so far away, but I know it's just gonna fly by.

Ally, on the other hand....I have no idea what has gotten into her. It started about 2 weeks before she turned 3. One minute she will be this sweet, loving kid and then the next, you better get out of the way because she is about to karate chop your tail. She has gotten to the point that she doesnt listen and the only thing that gets through to her is when you threaten to take away her Barbie Jeep she got for her birthday. What is a mama to do?!?! My aunt Becky says that she thinks Ally is very jealous and wants me all to herself. If any other kid gets close to me, its "Thats MY Monnie". She makes it perfectly clear that no one should touch her "Monnie". She tells John that she doesnt love him, that she loves me. I have tried telling her that she can love more than one person. Ahhh, I have no idea what her deal is.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thank You Baby Girl....

My Sweet Little Girl,

You know, I know Sunday was truely a blessing and a message from you and God. I had such a rough morning at church considering that Easter Sunday was supposed to be the day that you were dedicated to the Lord. I was a wreck at church, but finally got myself together for your sister's egg hunt. Right before dinner, I decided to take a pregnancy test before I got back on some meds the doc prescribed me. I was just about to throw that test away when the faintest little line popped up. I couldnt believe it, so I took another one....This time it was darker. I am still in shock, but still so anxious. Easter couldnt have been a better day to get this news. I know that you were with me Sunday. You have picked out your little brother or sister so lets just make sure he or she gets here safe. Please know that this baby will never take your place. You, little girl will be with me forever. I love and miss you so much and wish you were here with me so bad.

Until next time, I love you baby girl!
