Thursday, May 27, 2010


Today I missing my Ava terribly. Every day as Adalyn is doing all of these new things, it again makes me realize just how much I missed out on Ava.

While thumbling through my email, I found this prayer that was sent on Ava's behalf the day that the doctor's gave us the news that we had lost her. It still brings tears to my eyes, but she definitely was released into Heaven.

This was from my Aunt Lisa:

I know most of you don't really know my niece Jennifer, but her and her family need ALL the prayers you can send to Heaven on behalf of her unborn daughter. Jennifer is 9 months pregnant and her due date is this Friday, July 18th. She has had problems for the last two weeks, but the doctors haven't been listening. She went to the doctor this AM because she hasn't felt any movement from Ava (the baby). The doctors told her they found no heartbeat and told her she lost the baby. They sent her home and told her to be patient and wait until they could find a room for her so they could take the baby. They have pretty much given up hope on little Ava, but I know God can keep a hand on that baby until she is delivered. I pray and ask for all prayers to help fight for little Ava when everyone else has given up. This baby means so much to Jennifer and her husband. They have tried for 2 years to have her and were unexpectedly blessed to get pregnant with her. Now they face the possibility of losing her within just a few days of her due date. So, I want to ask from the bottom of my heart that any and all prayers for baby Ava and family be released to Heaven and will be greatly appreciated!

This was the response from Lisa's Mother In Law, Jean:

Hi Lisa
I have given this prayer request out to a lot of Christians here in the clinic to get a prayer line going for baby Ava. I have put a prayer together based on scriptures in the bible.

Hear my prayer, O Lord ; answer my plea, because you are faithful to your promises. (Psalms 143:1) Children are a gift from God; they are your reward (Psalms 127:3) Your word says you can never please God without faith, without depending on Him. Anyone who wants to come to God must believe that there is a God and that He rewards those who sincerely look for Him.(psalms 11:6) I pray for my baby Ava You formed Ava in my womb. You made all of Ava’s delicate inner parts of her body in my womb. Thank you for making Ava so wonderfully complex! It is amazing to think about. Your workmanship is marvelous and how well I know it.
You were there while Baby Ava was being formed in utter seclusion! You saw Ava before she was born and scheduled each day of Ava’s life before Ava began to breath. Every day is recorded in Your book! (Psalms 139:13-16) The doctors have given up on baby Ava Lord, but I believe in the report of the Lord and speak life to baby Ava in the name of JESUS and know that you are the great physician and all things are possible with YOU. I come against the snare of the evil one and command you leave Ava with any attempts to do harm to Ava, you leave now in the name of JESUS. Father you word says I tell you, you can pray for anything ,and if you believe that you received it, it will be yours (Mark 11: 24) Lord you said if we pray according to you word then I have the prayers and petition I have asked for. Father I believe and thank you in advance that Ava is well and will live a long life and will be used by you in a great way as you have a perfect plan for her life. They are plans for a good and not evil, to give Ava a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11) In this we pray in JESUS name AMEN!

This prayer is truly beautiful....

Saturday, May 1, 2010

5 Months

Hello People!

Its Adalyn again. Another month has passed by and I turned 5 months today :) I am trying to sit up, but I still haven't rolled over! Gimme a break, I keep getting stuck on my left thigh. Have you seen that thing lately? Man, oh man. I really like my jumperoo. I just jump and jump until I can't jump anymore. Mommy says that its thinning out my thighs, but I'm not so sure about that. I love to pull Ally's hair to get her attention or wake her up. I just think it's the funniest thing EVER. I have quite the personality already and I am pretty funny if I say so myself. With that being said, I need to go prepare my knock knock jokes for Sissy this afternoon. :)
Peace, Love, & Cuteness = Me