Monday, January 2, 2012

Back in Action....

Yes, it has been a while, but I am putting this thing back in action! We have been super busy. Its already a new year and so many things have happened since my last post! Ally turned 5, we lost a very special member of our family, we got a new house, Ally started school, she started losing teeth, we had our 4th Walk to Remember, Thanksgiving came and went, Adalyn turned 2, we added a new member to our family (Mayzie), and now its a new year! The kids are both doing great. Adalyn has finally started talking and Ally is learning so much in Kindergarten. I am truely one blessed Mama :)

I have many plans for 2012. So much that I want to do! One thing that I am determined to do is get better at my couponing. I've lost touch these last couple of months with the holidays and stuff, but I will get better. Anywho! Until next time, here are recent pics of the girls :)