Sunday, June 21, 2015

Knoxville, Gatlinburg, Pigeon Forge, and Family

We decided to use our vacation time this year to go visit my sister in law and her family in Knoxville.  As long as they have been there, we haven't really had the chance to explore the city and venture out on our own in Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge.  Shell and Mitch both work from home, so while they were working, we went out to play!  In the evenings we got back together and had dinner as a family and got plenty of play time with Emily :)  Below are a few of my favorite pics from our times out!

Taking a break in the shade by The Old Mill
My FAVORITE pic from our trip.  Behind the Old Mill Restaurant
Adalyn wanted to camp under that bridge!
Love this sign (and my babies!!) in downtown Knoxville
This pic was taken in a dog park, but it was so pretty!  LOL
World's Fare Park

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Recital 2015

          Recital was tonight and amazing.  The girls both did so well.  It's hard to believe that Ally has been dancing for 6 years and Adalyn 3!  Time flies when you're having fun (and staying busy!).