Saturday, July 25, 2015

Blowing Rock

Today, the girls and decided to go to Blowing Rock and hang out for a while.  Ally LOVES the mountains so she was up super early and ready to go.  It was a beautiful day and definitely one for the books.  Our state is so beautiful and I have so much fun exploring it with my babies!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Happy Birthday Ava

My Dearest Ava,

Today you would have turned 7 years old.  We miss you so much and wish you were here.  There is not a single day that goes by that we do not think of you.  I woke today imaging you waking me up running around, brown curls bouncing....just excited about your day.  I know one day, we will be able to celebrate together, but until then, stay close to me and your daddy.  We love you!


Ava's 7th Birthday Adventure

Every year, John and I take the day off of work for Ava's birthday so we can have some down time with the girls and overall just a good family day to do an activity that we would do for Ava if she were here with us.  We have fun, but at the same time, reflect, and miss our little girl. 

For her 7th birthday, we took the girls to the Greensboro Science Center.  One of the Gibbon's just had a baby and the girls and I were eager to see it.  I got some good pics with my Nikon, but was too slow with my phone so I don't have any to share with you all.  I did get a couple of good ones of the older brother and Daddy :)
Big Brother

Seriously though, if you have not ever made it out to this location, it is a must see.  We always have so much fun when we go.  So much to do for the whole family!!