Monday, January 12, 2009

Help Me Get Through This

My Precious Baby Girl,

Please don't think that I have forgotten about you. So much has been going on around here that I havent really had much time to sit down and write. We sent you balloons on Christmas. I hope you liked them all. Everyone in the family sent one up with a message. It didnt feel right without you here. We all missed you so much. I hope you had a wonderful 1st Christmas. Ally talks about you all of the time. Sometimes she tells me that you are in her room and she shows me which toys you both share. For a while, I felt lost because I didnt feel you near. Right when I started feeling alone, Ally let me know that you were with her.

I just found out that I am losing my job. My last day will be the 16th. That will mark 6 months since you grew your wings and its just a day before my birthday. Please see me through this and help me to be strong.

Until next time, I love you more than you will ever know.


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