Friday, September 10, 2010


I'm going to dedicate a post to just bragging on my oldest daughter. Not only is she gorgeous, this kid is so smart. I am so lucky to be her mother. She continues to amaze me. As I think back over the last 4 years, if it weren't for her, I don't know where I would be. She was the only reason for keeping my head straight when losing Ava. She helped me cope so much and didn't even know it. I'm not trying to rush it, but I really cannot wait to see the woman that grows up to be. I see her as being nothing but independent and successful in anything she does. She already has the right mind set.

As you all know, Ally started soccer a couple weeks ago. As I mentioned in a previous post, definitely not my sport of choice, but she wanted to do it and again, as you all know, what baby girl wants, baby girl gets. Anyway, after practice, her coach comes up to me and asked me how old she was. Of course my answer is "4". He goes on to tell me how good she already is and how he cant wait to see her progress by the end of spring. Talk about a proud mama moment...that was definitely one. She really is a natural when it comes to sports. I thank God that she gets my athletic skills and not her Daddy's. Eventually, I'm sure I will be "THAT MOM". Maybe these parents will still like me by the end of the season, who knows. :)

Ally, I love you sweetheart. You are an amazing little girl and you are gonna go so far in this crazy world. Continue to shine bright and knock 'em down with your smile.

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