Saturday, October 23, 2010

Long Time, No Post

Wow, its been a while. Needless to say, things have been pretty crazy around my house to say the least. October has been a busy month by itself. I'm glad that its almost over, but honestly the rest of the year is gonna be pretty crazy with the holidays and everything.

My sister in law, Michelle got married October 8th and the wedding was beautiful. Even though it wasn't my wedding, man, it was stressful. LOL With John, Ally, and myself all in the wedding, things seemed to get pretty chaotic towards the end. Anyway, Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Feghaly. Now get busy and make me a niece or nephew :) Love you guys!

The Walk to Remember was October 9th and as always, it went great. It is just a very emotional day for John and I. Being with a group of people who know exactly what you have been through and the pain that you still deal with daily is so comforting. Pics to come when I get a chance :)

The Dixie Classic Fair has also been in town. We took the girls and they had a blast. Well, at least Ally did. She rode all of the rides and even wanted to ride the camel! Adalyn just hung out and watched Ally. Maybe next year we can get her on a couple of rides.

Halloween is coming up and Ally has had her costume picked out for a while now, but I cannot seem to find one for Adalyn. I have seen a bunch of cute ones, but just not any that fit her personality. Hopefully this weekend, we will find "The one".

We are going to John's cousin Noel's wedding tonite. The kids will be staying with my Mom so we can have a much needed nite to ourselves. A reason for me to go shopping for a new dress :)

When I get a chance, a bunch of pics will be posted. :)

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