Wednesday, June 6, 2012

I know, I know....

Yes, I said that I would start posting more, but I'm a slacker! Seriously, Ally being in school, dance, chasing Adalyn, and me working so much definitely keeps me busy. I will get better....PROMISE! Ally's last day of school is tomorrow and it is so bittersweet. It has been a great year and I have been fortunate to be a big part of it. I was the class mom this year and had the opportunity to get to know each of the kids and her teachers very well. They are all soooo sweet and I know Ally will miss them all this summer. It was so cute watching them sign each others yearbooks yesterday at the picnic and exchanging phone numbers. Ally has her "special friend" which should totally be called her boyfriend because they are sooo in love :) His name is Jacob and when I tell you that he is the cutest thing ever....really...I would claim him as my own. Not only is he quite the little gentleman, his parents are both awesome and his little sister is ADORABLE. To top it all off, they live 4 houses down from us :) Ally is quite a lucky little lady. Ally also had her 3rd dance recital this past Saturday and I was soooo proud! She did fantastic and looked like a doll. She is growing up so fast and I'm not gonna miss a beat of it. I will be that parent that chaperones everything and volunteers. Dont hate. I will be cruising your kid around in my new Honda "Mommy Mobile Odyssey" and you will love it! LOL Now...onto the most demanding thing in our life....ADALYN. Man, oh man. She is definitely the child that my grandmother always warned me that I would have. The one EXACTLY like me. Not only is she a complete mini me in looks, her attitude is me all over. We are in some big trouble. She's hilarious though and let me tell you, she can bust out a "knock knock" joke like it aint nobody's business. She cracks herself up and we NEVER know what to expect next. I cannot believe that it is already June. Ava's 4th birthday will be here before you know it. Still seems like I was just holding her yesterday. She will never know just how loved she is and how much she is missed. Ally was only 2 1/2 when she was born, but she remembers her. A couple of nights she caught me off guard and asked me how Ava died. I lost it. I felt like a complete failure. I couldnt even tell her why because I dont even know. All I could say was that Jesus needed her with him and we would see her again. I know we will, that is the only thing that keeps me sane. Well, life is calling me so back to it I go. :)

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