Monday, August 24, 2015

First Day of School in the world did time go by so fast?  When I started this blog, it was to help me grieve the loss of Ava and then it got me through my pregnancy with Adalyn.  Now, Adalyn is starting KINDERGARTEN!!!  WHAT?!?!?! 

My babies are beautiful and it is so bittersweet that they have both grown so much.  I am one proud mama for sure!!
Thank you all for letting me share them with you for the last 7 years!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Gem Mining

My mom has been wanting to take the girls gem mining for quite some time now.  We never made the time to go until today and I am so glad we did.  We got really dirty, but had so much fun.  The girls enjoyed it and actually ended up making it a competition to see who found the first ruby LOL

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Holy Mother of Pearl...It's HOT!

Summer time in NC is quite hot, but my God....Today was hell.  The girls and I always adventure out when John goes out riding the motorcycle.  Today we ended up at Hanging Rock.  We arrived this morning and the weather was beautiful.  It was humid of course, but nice.  By the time we got too far down that it wasn't really worth turning around, I thought we were going to die!  LOL  We ended up taking quite a few breaks, but the outcome was so pretty.  We hiked to the upper falls and lower falls.  We took our pics, took in the scenery for a while, and then went home.  Now this mama is tired. 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Celebrating with the Grasshoppers!

John turned 32 on the 4th so we decided to celebrate with some friend's of ours by going to a baseball game!  So much fun on a great night!

Sunday, August 2, 2015


As of July 30, 2015, John and I have been married for 10 freakin' years.  10 YEARS!!  Have all of those years been sunshine and rainbows?  Definitely not.  However, I wouldn't have wanted to ride this crazy road called life with anyone else.  My sister in law kept the girls in Knoxville this weekend so John and I could have a couple of days to ourselves.  We hit the road and went to Nashville!!

Our first stop was the Grand Ole Opry....I was in awe.

First stop, Grand Ole Opry!

After touring the ground of the Opry House, we headed downtown to Antique Archaeology (AKA The American Pickers store)....Heaven I tell ya....Just heaven!


Next up was the Country Music Walk of Fame.  By the time we got here, we were both so exhausted and it was HOT.  We'll definitely have to go back when we can take the girls :)

We ended the night eating at one of our favorite restaurants and thought of our girls every minute as we knew they were gonna be soooo mad!  LOL