Sunday, August 2, 2015


As of July 30, 2015, John and I have been married for 10 freakin' years.  10 YEARS!!  Have all of those years been sunshine and rainbows?  Definitely not.  However, I wouldn't have wanted to ride this crazy road called life with anyone else.  My sister in law kept the girls in Knoxville this weekend so John and I could have a couple of days to ourselves.  We hit the road and went to Nashville!!

Our first stop was the Grand Ole Opry....I was in awe.

First stop, Grand Ole Opry!

After touring the ground of the Opry House, we headed downtown to Antique Archaeology (AKA The American Pickers store)....Heaven I tell ya....Just heaven!


Next up was the Country Music Walk of Fame.  By the time we got here, we were both so exhausted and it was HOT.  We'll definitely have to go back when we can take the girls :)

We ended the night eating at one of our favorite restaurants and thought of our girls every minute as we knew they were gonna be soooo mad!  LOL

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