Thursday, July 30, 2009

4 Years

Four years ago today, John and I said "I do".....Man, how time flies. He surprised me at work with flowers, the infamous Hallmark card, and took me out to lunch. I dont think he will ever know just how much I love him.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My Ally

I just want to brag for a little bit on Ally. Even though she has this mouth that never seems to close and her Mama's attitude, this kid is awesome. Her personality is really starting to bloom and she is wide open. Her vocabulary has expanded so much here recently and she amazes me more and more everyday. She is so excited about this baby that it is unreal. Everyday she asks about her and always wants to listen to her heartbeat. Yesterday I just had an overall bad day, but when Ally looks up at me, hugs me, and says, "Monnie, I love you. You are my best friend.", all of that bad melted away. If it werent for her and John, I would be upside down right now. I such have a beautiful family and I thank God everyday for them.

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Nursery....

So I broke down and painted Adalyn's name for the nursery. That was the easy part. The hard part was taking Ava's name down. Just being reminded that she will never sleep in the room that we made just for her kills me. I feel bad for Adalyn sometime's because I have so many mixed emotions. I want Ava here, but if Ava was here, I wouldnt be pregnant with Adalyn. Does that even make any sense? I'm sure that Ava would want it the way we are doing it. She would want us to give Adalyn her nursery. Continue to keep us in your prayers as always.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Her Name in The Sand....

I'm speechless....It's beautiful. Thank you Carly at !!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ava's Headstone

Ava's headstone came in today and it is beautiful. I couldnt be any happier with it. I think John and I made the right decision in the wording and everything. It is simple and elegant just like Ava. I hope she likes it because we sure do. We love you Ava!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

A Very Special Person

A friend of mine from BabyCenter was so very sweet and thought about our sweet Ava yesterday. Her and her son JJ (Ally's age) released a balloon into heaven today in memory of Ava. Ava and her story has touched many lives and these lives are all the way in Indiana. Thanks again Sally!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Ava

My Sweetest Ava,
Today you would have been a year old and we miss you so much. I wish that you were here for us to celebrate with you, but I'm sure you are having a blast in heaven with all of your little friends. We sent you some balloons that I'm sure you got. I made sure that we got you princess balloons since you are our Angel Princess. We love you so much baby girl and there isnt a day that goes by that we dont think about you. I just cant believe that it has been a year already since I last held you and brushed your chubby cheeks and whispered to you how much I love you. I couldnt help, but look back at pictures of Ally when she was a year old to see what you could have looked like on Earth today. You reminded me so much of her when you were born. I think about all of the trouble that you two would be getting into together and I just laugh. Even though you were only here with us for a short period of time, you made such an impact on so many lives. We love and miss you Ava....more than you will ever know.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It's A.....

We went to the doc today and found out that we having another BABY GIRL!!!! I am over the moon. I think deep down inside I knew this baby would be a girl, but I kept saying boy. I feel bad for John because I know a part of him really wanted a son to carry on the Finney name, but I know he is thrilled to have another baby period. When I told Ally that "Baby Jack" is a girl, she cried. She was just stuck on having a baby brother. Once I told her that this baby would still be able to play pirates and dinosaurs with her, she was okay. :o) Sooooo, as it looks right now Adalyn Masen Finney will be entering this crazy world the first week of December!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Bittersweet Week

So I'm already in tears this morning as this is the week that I have been dreading for several months now. Thursday is Ava's birthday and I already have fallen in this pit that I dont know how long its gonna take to pull myself out of. I try and put this front up and be strong for John and Ally, but its getting harder every day. Sending balloons to my baby in Heaven for her 1st birthday wasnt on my agenda this time last year. This very day last year I was waddling around miserable, but anxious to get my baby into this world. It was actually the very last day that I felt her move. I didnt even dream that she would be born straight into Heaven.

The sweet part of the week is tomorrow we will hopefully find out the sex of this baby. Ava will be with us, I'm sure. I was really trying to dodge the doctor's office this week, but she will take care of us.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

We went to the parade this morning and the fireworks tonite. Ally had a blast...Here are some pics.