Monday, July 13, 2009

A Bittersweet Week

So I'm already in tears this morning as this is the week that I have been dreading for several months now. Thursday is Ava's birthday and I already have fallen in this pit that I dont know how long its gonna take to pull myself out of. I try and put this front up and be strong for John and Ally, but its getting harder every day. Sending balloons to my baby in Heaven for her 1st birthday wasnt on my agenda this time last year. This very day last year I was waddling around miserable, but anxious to get my baby into this world. It was actually the very last day that I felt her move. I didnt even dream that she would be born straight into Heaven.

The sweet part of the week is tomorrow we will hopefully find out the sex of this baby. Ava will be with us, I'm sure. I was really trying to dodge the doctor's office this week, but she will take care of us.

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