Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy Birthday Ava

My Sweetest Ava,
Today you would have been a year old and we miss you so much. I wish that you were here for us to celebrate with you, but I'm sure you are having a blast in heaven with all of your little friends. We sent you some balloons that I'm sure you got. I made sure that we got you princess balloons since you are our Angel Princess. We love you so much baby girl and there isnt a day that goes by that we dont think about you. I just cant believe that it has been a year already since I last held you and brushed your chubby cheeks and whispered to you how much I love you. I couldnt help, but look back at pictures of Ally when she was a year old to see what you could have looked like on Earth today. You reminded me so much of her when you were born. I think about all of the trouble that you two would be getting into together and I just laugh. Even though you were only here with us for a short period of time, you made such an impact on so many lives. We love and miss you Ava....more than you will ever know.


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