Monday, October 26, 2009

1st of MANY Nst's

Today was my 1st NST of this pregnancy. It was bittersweet and of course, I ended up breaking down as soon as I got there. The last time I had a NST was the day I was told Ava had passed and it was in the very same room I was in today. Very emotional time for me as you can probably imagine. I am so lucky to have a doctor and nurses that are very patient with me and are willing to try to accomodate my every need. I would recommend Dr. Jacobs to anyone hands down.

All of this just reminds me how much everyone wants to get Adalyn into this world safe and sound. She is our little rainbow and I cannot wait to meet her.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Belly Pics!!

More to come once I get more creative, but this is it for now! Enjoy....we had alot of fun taking them!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Baby Shower

I am exhausted....

Ultrasound this morning, then Heather and I went and got our facials, the baby shower, and finally Johnathon and I attempted date night. Needless to say, I'm about useless right about now. I had an amazing day though. Seeing the face of my lil chunky monkey was enough to do me in, but spending time with family and friends at the shower topped the day off right. We are offically set and just "waiting on baby".

Another Sneak Peak at Miss. Adalyn!

We went today for what we thought was going to be our last 3D ultrasound this pregnancy....well what do you know, Adalyn decided that she did not want to cooperate until the very last 5 minutes. We got a couple really good pics, but we go back this coming Saturday for our final peak at her before we meet her in December. **Fun Fact: Ultrasound tech said that she has hair! Its about 2 inches long already!**

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We Have A Date!!!

Mark your calendars ladies and gentlemen....Miss. Adalyn Masen will be making her entrance into this crazy world that we live in on December 2nd, 2009!!!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Surprise Baby Shower @ Work!

So I walked into work this morning and BAM! All I see is pink streamers and all of this fancy jazz on my desk. Totally unexpected. Anybody that knows me, knows that I am ALWAYS in the loop and know whats going on....well not this time. Not one person spilled the beans. You know I am so proud of them! We had some great food and Adalyn got some really cute stuff. Thanks again guys....You guys are awesome!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 15th -- Pregnancy & Infant Loss Rememberance Day

Please light a candle tonite at 7pm in honor of all the babies that have grown their wings to soon....

My Sweet Ava,

I miss you more than you will ever know. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of you. I know that you are in good hands and watch over us daily. I look forward to our sweet reunion, until then, be close to me angel and keep your sisters safe. I love you baby girl.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Walk to Remember

Today was the Heartstrings 5th annual Walk to Remember and other than the rain at the very beginning, it turned out great. Everyone who planned on coming wasnt able to attend, but hopefully they will all be able to make it next year. Because of everyone who donated, we were able to give over $450.00 in honor of Ava. That is truely a blessing all by itself. Heartstrings is a wonderful program and I am so happy that people were able to donate so this program can continue.

Again, thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Quick Doc Appt Update

So I had my 29 week doctor's appointment today and everything looks great. Miss. Adalyn is measuring 32 weeks and is already weighing right at 4lbs. Dr. Jacobs doesn't believe weight will be an issue come time to deliver...I kinda thought, "well duh." :o) My hemoglobin (if I even spelled that right) is kind of low so he would like for me to start taking some extra iron a couple times a week. Other than that, things are going smoothly. We go back Oct 20th for a regular check up, but no ultrasound. Speaking of ultrasound, Adalyn did not want her picture taken so the only pic we got this week was of her foot, which is friggen huge by the way. She was in a ball and the tech couldn't even get a profile pic. I can already tell we are going to have our hands full!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

What a Weekend

This weekend has been absolutely amazing. We have had so much fun, but me....well I am friggen exhausted. I don't think I will wear tennis shoes again until I see snow on the ground. I want to lay in the bed until Adalyn gets here and even then, I don't think I will want to leave the house. All jokes aside though, we had an awesome time this weekend.

Saturday we went to Beech Mountain, NC to the Land of Oz. Ally had so much fun (well Johnathon and I did too). Of course we let her wear her Dorothy costume and as you all know, she looked adorable. We were able to meet all of the characters from the movie. I still cant get over how good some of their costumes were.

Today was Homecoming at church and then we went to the fair. Ally thought she was all grown up riding all of the rides. She was on top of the world and had more guts than I thought she would. She rode all of the kiddie rides and even rode on a pony.

To top the weekend off with a bang, I got a call Friday from the doctor's office.....I PASSED MY 3 HR GESTATIONAL DIABETES TEST!!! WOOHOOO!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Fun Stuff

So I failed the crap out of my 1hr gestational diabetes screening Monday so guess where I'm at today.....You guessed it; LabCorp for my 3hr test. At 9:23am, I have to go back and get my 2nd blood drawing done. I hate this mess. Ugh. I dont know why I'm acting surprised though. I knew it was going to happen, but the truth sucks; yah know? Everyone knows that I will do whatever it takes to get a healthy baby into this world, but I am just so tired...Sorry, enough complaining. I'll post again when I have something good to say....Lord knows I have about 2 1/2 more hours to think about it!