Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Quick Doc Appt Update

So I had my 29 week doctor's appointment today and everything looks great. Miss. Adalyn is measuring 32 weeks and is already weighing right at 4lbs. Dr. Jacobs doesn't believe weight will be an issue come time to deliver...I kinda thought, "well duh." :o) My hemoglobin (if I even spelled that right) is kind of low so he would like for me to start taking some extra iron a couple times a week. Other than that, things are going smoothly. We go back Oct 20th for a regular check up, but no ultrasound. Speaking of ultrasound, Adalyn did not want her picture taken so the only pic we got this week was of her foot, which is friggen huge by the way. She was in a ball and the tech couldn't even get a profile pic. I can already tell we are going to have our hands full!

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