Sunday, October 4, 2009

What a Weekend

This weekend has been absolutely amazing. We have had so much fun, but me....well I am friggen exhausted. I don't think I will wear tennis shoes again until I see snow on the ground. I want to lay in the bed until Adalyn gets here and even then, I don't think I will want to leave the house. All jokes aside though, we had an awesome time this weekend.

Saturday we went to Beech Mountain, NC to the Land of Oz. Ally had so much fun (well Johnathon and I did too). Of course we let her wear her Dorothy costume and as you all know, she looked adorable. We were able to meet all of the characters from the movie. I still cant get over how good some of their costumes were.

Today was Homecoming at church and then we went to the fair. Ally thought she was all grown up riding all of the rides. She was on top of the world and had more guts than I thought she would. She rode all of the kiddie rides and even rode on a pony.

To top the weekend off with a bang, I got a call Friday from the doctor's office.....I PASSED MY 3 HR GESTATIONAL DIABETES TEST!!! WOOHOOO!!

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