Saturday, December 26, 2009

All About Adalyn

Ally is out shopping with her Grandma today and Daddy is working so today it is just me and Adalyn. Today is our first day just us so it's just a little quiet around here. We took a few pictures and then hit the road to get all the Day after Christmas deals!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Santa Claus Came!!!

Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope everyone has a good one and remembers what Christmas is all about.

Merry Christmas Ava

My Sweet Little Angel,

This year would have been your 2nd Christmas. Tonight while we were at your Maw Maw's house, I sat back and thought about how you would be digging into gifts and getting into trouble with Ally. We all wish that we could see it. I know that you will be having the best Christmas of all. You'll be attending the big birthday party for Jesus himself. I love and miss you tons baby girl. Thank you so much for watching over your sisters. If it weren't for you, Adalyn wouldn't be here with us today. I have already told her so much about you. How you changed our lives forever and she will have an angel with her forever. Until next time, I love you and remember you will always have a piece of my heart with you.


Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Program

This was Ally's first year in the Christmas program at church. She did great. I am so proud of her. She has opened up so much in the past few months. Anyway, here's a pic of my angel in the 2009 Samaritan Baptist Church Christmas Program.

The Infamous Gingerbread House

So why is it that everyone just has to make a Gingerbread house every year around Christmas time? Well between you and me, I will NEVER do it again. Don't get me wrong, I loved spending the "mother-daughter" time with Ally, but that was the biggest mess that we have ever created in less than 2 hours. It was horrible. The cement that they call "icing" dried in what seemed like half a second. Next year, if Ally wants to make one of these, she's gonna have to call her Maw Maw :). Through all the mess though, was a beautiful outcome. Ally was so proud and I was too!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Let it Snow!!

If you guys haven't noticed, I am having loads of fun with my camera and a new editing site that I am addicted to! I'm pretty sure I have already got my money's worth on my Nikon. Love it!!

Ava's Spot for Christmas

We love and miss you baby!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Adalyn's 2 week Check up & Of course some pics

Adalyn had her 2 week check up this morning with Dr. Walker. Everything went great. He said that her color was perfect and her belly button looked good. She is now 9lbs 3oz and 21 inches long. With that being said, she has gained exactly 1 lb since we left the hospital and grew an inch. She's a big girl :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hallmark Would Love This!

My picture of the year. Two of my 3 blessings...

Christmas Pictures

As always, Portrait Innovations did an awesome job! :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Ava's Ornament

I said last year that I wanted to get Ava an ornament every year to go on our Christmas tree. While out today, I found this one and automatically knew I had to get it. Everybody picks with John and me because of how we picked/spelled names that we would "never be able to find on a key chain." Well it looks like they were wrong. Ava's name looks beautiful on this little snowman :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Santa Claus

So Santa Claus visited my work today and John and I took the girls up there to take pics and let Ally tell him what she wants for Christmas. Well needless to say, Ally was super pumped about seeing him, but once we got there, it was a whole other story. Adalyn didn't seem to care though. I think she made Santa want another lil Elf of his own.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

It's been crazy!

I planned on trying to post everyday while on maternity leave, but let me tell you something....taking care of a newborn and a 3 year old aint no walk in the park! Ally has been in rare form and I know it has to be normal. She has been used to being the center of attention for almost 4 years. Now that Adalyn is here, I have to stop what I'm doing when she's hungry, needs a diaper change, etc and Ally doesn't know what to think about it. She loves her baby sister, but at the same time, I'm sure she misses me being all hers. I know she will adjust, but right at this very moment, its just hard.

Adalyn is doing great. I couldn't have asked for a better baby. I do have one concern (okay, a couple) though and I'm going to call the doctor about it tomorrow. I do not think that my breast milk is agreeing with her little belly. She doesn't cry like shes in any pain, but when I say she has projectile poops, I am not kidding. She gets gas, lets it out and at the same time, out comes yellow watery poop (sorry if TMI). She has a poopy diaper at EVERY feeding. Is that normal for a breast fed baby? Her little bottom is red and looks as if it is about to bleed...I have been coating it down with aquaphor so I'm waiting to see if that heals it.

Soo, tonight John, the kids, and I went out to Target to pick up a few things and while I was attempting to get Adalyn out of the car, someone taps me on my back, I look over, and this chick is jumping up and down saying, "You have a Jonah magnet, you have a Jonah magnet." It took me a minute to realize who was standing in front of me, but guess who it was?!?!? Little Jonah's Mommy (click on the blog button on the right to "meet" the coolest little guy ever!) !!!! If you have never read her blog, she really is a remarkable woman.

I have some pics to post (of course), but Ally wants the computer to "type an email" and Adalyn is hungry so they will be posted another time!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Just a little bragging...

I have a WONDERFUL baby. She eats, poops, and then goes right to sleep. She's finally starting to stay awake and hang out with us for little spurts at a time. She just looks around checking things out. Here are some pics that I have taken. As of you can tell, Ally still loves being a big sister.

Liquid Gold

I was hoping to be able to nurse, but because of Adalyn's facial bruising, it hurts her to nurse. For now, and as long as I can, I plan to pump. This is what I got from one session. I thought this was pretty dang good considering I don't pump as much as I should and I haven't even been doing this for a week yet. I was just a little on the proud side :)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Adalyn's Homecoming!

We were able to come home today and I was just a little more than thrilled. I missed Ally so much. Until now, I had never been away from her no longer than just over night. Needless to say, I was going through withdrawls! I was so excited to see Ally's reaction to Adalyn. When my mother in law brought her home, Ally was a little on the sleepy side (She had just woken up from her nap) so it took her a minute to realize what was going on. Once she did, I believe she fell in love. She is one proud big sister :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hospital Stay

So far things are great. Adalyn is beautiful and healthy. Other than a little facial bruising, she is nothing short of perfection. Because of the H1N1 virus, they are not allowing anyone under the age of 18 to visit therefore we aren't going to be able to see Ally until we get discharged. Hopefully they will let us go home tomorrow after Adalyn's test results come back for everything. Here are a couple of pics that I have snapped today. She is such a little dream :)

Adalyn Masen Finney has Arrived!!

Adalyn Masen Finney made her entrance into this world early this morning at 12:41am weighing in at 8lbs 9.4 oz and 20 inches long. She is absolutely beautiful and we are so excited to have her here healthy and screaming. :) Thanks again for everyone's thoughts and prayers!!