Thursday, December 10, 2009

It's been crazy!

I planned on trying to post everyday while on maternity leave, but let me tell you something....taking care of a newborn and a 3 year old aint no walk in the park! Ally has been in rare form and I know it has to be normal. She has been used to being the center of attention for almost 4 years. Now that Adalyn is here, I have to stop what I'm doing when she's hungry, needs a diaper change, etc and Ally doesn't know what to think about it. She loves her baby sister, but at the same time, I'm sure she misses me being all hers. I know she will adjust, but right at this very moment, its just hard.

Adalyn is doing great. I couldn't have asked for a better baby. I do have one concern (okay, a couple) though and I'm going to call the doctor about it tomorrow. I do not think that my breast milk is agreeing with her little belly. She doesn't cry like shes in any pain, but when I say she has projectile poops, I am not kidding. She gets gas, lets it out and at the same time, out comes yellow watery poop (sorry if TMI). She has a poopy diaper at EVERY feeding. Is that normal for a breast fed baby? Her little bottom is red and looks as if it is about to bleed...I have been coating it down with aquaphor so I'm waiting to see if that heals it.

Soo, tonight John, the kids, and I went out to Target to pick up a few things and while I was attempting to get Adalyn out of the car, someone taps me on my back, I look over, and this chick is jumping up and down saying, "You have a Jonah magnet, you have a Jonah magnet." It took me a minute to realize who was standing in front of me, but guess who it was?!?!? Little Jonah's Mommy (click on the blog button on the right to "meet" the coolest little guy ever!) !!!! If you have never read her blog, she really is a remarkable woman.

I have some pics to post (of course), but Ally wants the computer to "type an email" and Adalyn is hungry so they will be posted another time!

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