Monday, February 22, 2010

Adalyn's Bikini

For real...If you dont think this is hilarious and absolutely adorable at the same time, you need to get yourself checked out. I found this at a children's consignment sale for $2.00 and I had to buy it. If she wasn't fat, I wouldnt have even considered it. This may be the only time she is able to wear it so I had to take pics. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Way Too Much On The Brain...

First and foremost, let me make it clear to everybody that I love my girls very much. People that know me personally and even people who don't should know this. Each one of my girls and myself have a special bond that no one will ever come between, but let me say that each bond is totally different.

Ally, my first born...enough said. Not only is she the coolest kid in town, she is my first born and will always have that special place in my heart. She has made being a Mommy come so easy to me. I have had so much fun growing up with her thus far and I cannot wait to see the woman she becomes.

Ava, my angel...If it wasnt for her, I wouldnt be the strong woman I am today. Even though she was only with me for a short time and we didnt even meet eyes, she has made such an impact on my life. I tested my faith and she brought me closer to God, himself.

Adalyn, my rainbow baby...She is only just a little of 2 months old, this little girl has taught me so much about patience and faith. There was not a day that went by when I was pregnant with her that I did not pray for her safe arrival. Now that she is here, I have a whole different need to keep her safe.

With that being said, I do not have favorites...I know Ally will always be a favorite to many just because she was the first born, but I dont play that mess. I refuse to sit back and watch Adalyn get the shaft. It's like the new has worn off since I had Ally and no one cares about the subsequent kids. Adalyn never gets random visits from family members or has yet to be asked to hang out at someones house. John, Becky (my wonderful Aunt who watches the girls while I work) and myself are the only adults that Adalyn knows! I feel like I want to explode with anger sometimes. Am I wrong to feel like this? If I am, please, someone let me know.

Monday, February 1, 2010

2 Months

Hello World! This is Adalyn and guess what? I'm 2 months old today! Mommy says that I am developing quite the personality. When people call me pretty names like, "Pretty girl, princess, beautiful", I just smile and smile. C'mon now, you cant say I don't have the right to! This past weekend, Mommy had to have Daddy take me away from her because she said she felt like she could just squeeze me because I was so pretty. Dang, really, what is wrong with this woman? Doesn't she know that is against the law?!?!? I have been sleeping through the night for almost 2 weeks. Mommy must think that's a pretty big deal because she keeps telling everyone about it. What can I say, I love my sleep! I go to the doctor for my 2 month check up tomorrow. My Sissy, Ally says shes gonna go with me. She told me last night that I was going to be getting shots in my leg...Man, I hope Mommy has a bottle ready and gives me some of that grape medicine my Sissy just raves about. I'm sure Mommy will let you guys know how things go, but for now, I think I'm gonna hit the sack. Mommy and Daddy are watching their show with that rude doctor. I hope my doctor isnt like him tomorrow. I'll have to make him a little present....

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Today the most important man in my life would have turned 75...Its hard to believe that its already been over 6 years since we lost him. I wish he could have been there to see me get married, to meet my kids...But you know...he's getting one thing that I'm not right now. Him and Ava are probably in heaven having a ball. Ava, give your grandpa hugs and kisses for me. I love and miss you guys tons.

P.S. Happy Birthday to my Mom as well :)