Sunday, March 7, 2010

March Already?

It's hard to believe that its March already. My Ally baby will be 4 at the end of the month!!! Where did the time go? I seriously must have missed the memo that said my kids would eventually grow up. Ally is such a big girl now and soooo smart! She's gonna blow her teacher's mind when she starts school (another subject I really dont wanna talk about). She's starting to spell things out on her own and writes her name really well now! We are having her birthday party on the 27th and she is pumped. We're going "Under the sea" with The Little Mermaid. Of course I will post pics....What kind of mother do you think I am?!?

Adalyn is doing good. It seems like as soon as she turned 3 months old, she started doing all of this new stuff. Example, she has always hated tummy time, but the other day I sat her boppy on the floor and put her on it and this is what I found...

Time is flying...Make it stop!

Monday, March 1, 2010

3 Months Old

Hello Friends! I am 3 months old today. Mommy says 3 months is a fun age and I seem to think so myself. I have started doing new things like pushing up, cooing, squealing, eating some yummy new foods, and reaching out for things. I'm getting to be such a big girl. I probably weigh over 15 lbs now...Mommy said she's scared to check :) My sissy just cant get enough of me. Every time I look away, I turn back to see that girl in my face touching my cheeks. I'm beginning to think these things have magnets on them! I have fun though and Mommy says I'm a very happy baby. The only thing I am upset about is the fact that my hair is falling out! What gives? I just want to have hair, is that too much to ask? Mommy says it will grow back. If it's like my sister's, it will come back in yellow! Crazy, I know! Anyways, I guess I should sneak back over to my swing. Mommy said something about letting something called the "jumperoo" out. That woman is nuts!