Monday, March 1, 2010

3 Months Old

Hello Friends! I am 3 months old today. Mommy says 3 months is a fun age and I seem to think so myself. I have started doing new things like pushing up, cooing, squealing, eating some yummy new foods, and reaching out for things. I'm getting to be such a big girl. I probably weigh over 15 lbs now...Mommy said she's scared to check :) My sissy just cant get enough of me. Every time I look away, I turn back to see that girl in my face touching my cheeks. I'm beginning to think these things have magnets on them! I have fun though and Mommy says I'm a very happy baby. The only thing I am upset about is the fact that my hair is falling out! What gives? I just want to have hair, is that too much to ask? Mommy says it will grow back. If it's like my sister's, it will come back in yellow! Crazy, I know! Anyways, I guess I should sneak back over to my swing. Mommy said something about letting something called the "jumperoo" out. That woman is nuts!

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