Friday, December 10, 2010

My Gift to Ava

This year, I have decided to "adopt" a little girl Ava's age to buy Christmas for. The little girl that we are providing Christmas for is 26 months old and has many health issues. Both her and her mother have been in and out of the hospital recently and it has put alot of stress on the family. To top it all off, she also has a 6 week old sister and the mother cannot be left alone with the kids for even the shortest amount of time. The father has lost his job and is having a hard time finding one due to the hours that he would be able to work. Please pray for me that I will be able to help give this family what every family deserves....a Christmas together. Every child needs a gift to open for Christmas and I want to do my best to make sure this little girl has an awesome Christmas.

Ava, I hope you are proud baby girl. I'm doing this for you. I love and miss you tons.

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