Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Christmas Parade as a Dance Mom!

Up and at it this morning getting my two beauties ready for the parade. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Happy 6th Birthday Adalyn!

6 years ago today, I heard the most beautiful sound in the world, Adalyn's cry.  It had been a long 36 weeks and I was so glad to have her in my arms.  Fast forward to 6 years later, and she is the life of every party.  She keeps us laughing, and at times, tests my patience more than anyone I have ever known.  I call her my karma because she is the child my granny warned me about.  My mini me.

Happy 6th Birthday Adalyn.  I love you more than you will ever know!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Adalyn's Birthday Party!

Man, I am tired.  Today, fun was had celebrating Adalyn turning 6!  Man how time has flown!!  We bounced the afternoon away and had some Monster High Cake that was delicious! 

Thank you to all that came out.  My girl had a blast!!

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Trick Or Treat!

We hit up the streets of K-Ville tonite and I thought the girls looked pretty snazzy :)

Happy Halloween!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2015


What a wonderful weekend we had.  A couple of months ago, I mentioned to John that I wanted to take the girls to the mountains this year when the leaves were changing.  We weren't sure the colors would be good this year because it has been so rainy, but we were not disappointed.  We decided on a weekend trip to Cherokee since we had never been and it was beautiful. 

I was able to find a charming little motel for us to stay in and we loved it.  Everything was pink (even the toilet water!).  The girls loved it.  John...well, he tolerated it LOL  The river ran out behind it and it was so relaxing. 
The weekend was spent exploring and just soaking in the beauty of our state.  Memories made!  Until next year mountain side!!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Dixie Classic Fair

Today we took advantage of Family Day at the fair.  This will probably be the last year we are able to do it because the kids are getting too big for the "kiddie" rides at the fair.  Bittersweet for sure.  Personally, I love people watching so John and I would be okay with just going to walk around, look at exhibits, and just eat!  LOL  Of course, the girls aren't having any of that. 

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Last Minute Beach Trip!

While I was at work on Friday, John called me to let me know he had a short day.  In the midst of our conversation, I complained about not seeing the ocean yet this summer.  Yes, I know...I'm a brat.  We travel all of the time, but I LOVE the beach.  Sue me!! 

John being the spontaneous one that he is said, "Well, lets go!"  Don't think I didn't immediately start looking for a room and told him I would call him back.  LOL  About an hour later, I had us a place to stay at Kure Beach and I left work early.  I let the girls get credit for being at school and went and signed them out.  They had no idea where we were going LOL

We got in late afternoon so we walked the beach for a little while and went to Carolina Beach for dinner and donuts!

The room that I found was not ocean front (it was second row), but it was cheap and super cute.  After we returned from dinner, we went for a swim and had a blast.  The next morning, we got up and decided to go to Fort Fisher.  There is a small museum there and I love the rocks by the beach.  We called it a day and headed home.  Short trip, but great memories made!!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

A Day of Exploring

We had no plans for today, but John woke up early and thought that we all should be up early as well.  UGH!  When he says, "Let's go for a ride.", I never know where we will end up.  Today was no different. 

Once I figured out the direction we were heading, I started searching of sites in the area.  Chang and Eng have always peaked my interest and I knew their graves were near Mount Airy.  I am weird and love old gravesites so we sought it out! 

Fun huh?

Next up....We drove out to Mayberry!!  You know...home of the Andy Griffith show?!?  There was a museum, but we decided against it as I'm a cheapo and really didn't want to have to pay LOL  We had fun just walking around town and eventually grabbing some lunch!

After we bailed the girls out of jail (LOL) and had some lunch, John decided to take the back roads home.  Between working routes and riding his motorcycle, he finds all of these cool little places. 

Mabry Mill is on the parkway in VA and is so pretty.  Its a combination of a restaurant, rest area, and a park.  Super nice. 

Our last stop was the cute covered bridge I seen on a side road.  So glad we stopped because I was able to snap a few cute pics :)

Overall a great day and didn't have to go to far to explore a little :) 


Monday, August 24, 2015

First Day of School in the world did time go by so fast?  When I started this blog, it was to help me grieve the loss of Ava and then it got me through my pregnancy with Adalyn.  Now, Adalyn is starting KINDERGARTEN!!!  WHAT?!?!?! 

My babies are beautiful and it is so bittersweet that they have both grown so much.  I am one proud mama for sure!!
Thank you all for letting me share them with you for the last 7 years!

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Gem Mining

My mom has been wanting to take the girls gem mining for quite some time now.  We never made the time to go until today and I am so glad we did.  We got really dirty, but had so much fun.  The girls enjoyed it and actually ended up making it a competition to see who found the first ruby LOL