Saturday, September 5, 2015

A Day of Exploring

We had no plans for today, but John woke up early and thought that we all should be up early as well.  UGH!  When he says, "Let's go for a ride.", I never know where we will end up.  Today was no different. 

Once I figured out the direction we were heading, I started searching of sites in the area.  Chang and Eng have always peaked my interest and I knew their graves were near Mount Airy.  I am weird and love old gravesites so we sought it out! 

Fun huh?

Next up....We drove out to Mayberry!!  You know...home of the Andy Griffith show?!?  There was a museum, but we decided against it as I'm a cheapo and really didn't want to have to pay LOL  We had fun just walking around town and eventually grabbing some lunch!

After we bailed the girls out of jail (LOL) and had some lunch, John decided to take the back roads home.  Between working routes and riding his motorcycle, he finds all of these cool little places. 

Mabry Mill is on the parkway in VA and is so pretty.  Its a combination of a restaurant, rest area, and a park.  Super nice. 

Our last stop was the cute covered bridge I seen on a side road.  So glad we stopped because I was able to snap a few cute pics :)

Overall a great day and didn't have to go to far to explore a little :) 


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