Saturday, September 12, 2015

Last Minute Beach Trip!

While I was at work on Friday, John called me to let me know he had a short day.  In the midst of our conversation, I complained about not seeing the ocean yet this summer.  Yes, I know...I'm a brat.  We travel all of the time, but I LOVE the beach.  Sue me!! 

John being the spontaneous one that he is said, "Well, lets go!"  Don't think I didn't immediately start looking for a room and told him I would call him back.  LOL  About an hour later, I had us a place to stay at Kure Beach and I left work early.  I let the girls get credit for being at school and went and signed them out.  They had no idea where we were going LOL

We got in late afternoon so we walked the beach for a little while and went to Carolina Beach for dinner and donuts!

The room that I found was not ocean front (it was second row), but it was cheap and super cute.  After we returned from dinner, we went for a swim and had a blast.  The next morning, we got up and decided to go to Fort Fisher.  There is a small museum there and I love the rocks by the beach.  We called it a day and headed home.  Short trip, but great memories made!!

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