Monday, August 31, 2009

Thought this was cute...

Besides the fact that I never go ANYWHERE without at least one of my girls, I thought this fit the occasion.

Running errands and talking on the phone
I am pleasantly reminded that I am not alone.
Little tiny hands, a precious rounded knee
Pushing and twisting where no one can see.
Oh sweet child, kicking up your heels,
It is our little secret that only I can feel.
I look forward to your birth,
When I can kiss your skin,
But for now I will just smile
As I feel you play within.

Sunday, August 30, 2009


All I can say is, "I'm huge!" In my defense though, my belly looks different every day depending on how she is laying. Right now she is laying transverse with her head on my right side, feet on the left. This pic was taken this morning right before church. Again, no face shots because my face looks that dang bad. Thanks hormones!

24 wks

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Adalyn in 3D

So we went for our first 3D ultrasound today and just like Ally and Ava, Adalyn did not want to cooperate. Just like myself and my doctors thought, she is laying transverse and facing my back (This is causing all of my back pain). We did get to sneak a peak at her a couple of times, but still did not get any REALLY good shots. We will get to go back next Saturday for a "redo". For now, here are a few peaks at our new addition. Oh, and we have all come to the conclusion, this may be our only child that looks like me! She has my nose :o)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

14 wks to go....

Man, time is flying by. I'm already 23 wks preggo and I feel like time is closing in on me, but it can't get here soon enough. John still has not been able to feel Adalyn move, but patience really isnt a trait of his. Although in church this morning, she was kicking up a storm and he actually seen my belly move. Crazy!

We FINALLY got Ava's headstone put down. Because of all of the rain, we havent been able to get it done sooner. It looks great though. I attempted to get some pics today before church but the sun was not really in our favor so they will come soon.

Friday, August 21, 2009

A Tiring Week

It has been a long week....I hurt more than I have hurt in a very long time. My back has had a constant ache for 3 whole days. I hate complaining about anything that could possibly be related to my pregnancy though. I want to savor every bit of it because you never know....this could be our last baby. I love feeling Adalyn kick and turn. Even though sometimes it feels as if a limb of hers is going to make an exit any moment now, I love it. I cant say that I wouldnt change anything because God knows that I would. I know that sounds selfish of me, but who wouldnt want their child back?

Ally started dance class Tuesday and LOVED it. She woke me up at 3:30 Wednesday morning wanting to talk about dance. "Monnie, I'm the best dancer ever".....My vain child.

Monday, August 17, 2009

My Dancer

Ally is getting to be such a big girl. Tonight we signed her up for dance and she is so excited. Ever since we got home, she has been carrying around her dance bag with all of her goodies inside and we even had a small little photo session. As you will see she just had to have a leotard with Cinderella on it. She really didnt know what to think of the tap shoes, but she loves her ballet slippers. Oh and in the pics, look at how she is standing. According to her, "Ballerina's stand on their tip toes." Tomorrow will be her first class so we'll see how it goes. Until then, here she is....

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

21 Week Check Up

We had our 21 week check up yesterday and everything went well. The baby is looking great and growing like she should. The ultrasound was very detailed so it took a while, but I didn't mind. Watching my little girl try and get away from the "camera" was hilarious. All I can say is she really needs to get over that before she gets here because as everyone already knows (especially Ally) the camera will be in her face all of the time. :o) Anywho! Adalyn already weighs just a little over a pound and from what we seen yesterday, she doesn't have the Finney nose!!! This child may look like me!! John was picking around saying that if she doesn't look like him, he's getting a paternity test. God forbid we have a child that looks like her mother!

Our meeting with Dr. Jacobs was good as well. He prescribed me some meds for my face. (If ya'll could see my face, you'd probably laugh. I seriously look like a hormonal teenager.) He also confirmed that we are still looking at inducing around 37 weeks. The closer that we get, the more we will know. I'll probably have a actual delivery date by 30 weeks or so. Oh, I forgot to mention that I gained 6 FREAKIN POUNDS IN 4 WEEKS! I thought I was going to cry. Needless to say though, I hadn't gained any weight at all up until now so I don't guess that's too bad. It was just a shocker. Weight Watchers, I will be on your wagon after Christmas!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Ava's Petal


If you all have not been to this site, check it out. The work that these wonderful people are doing is beyond words. Parents like me that don't have many pictures (if any) of their precious children will cherish these pictures for a life time.
Thanks Again Sarah!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ady's Quilt

So a good friend of mine on BabyCenter made Adalyn's first quilt and I am super excited about it so I figured I would show it off! Thanks MYOT!!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Time Flies....

So first off, I cannot believe that Sunday I will already be 21 weeks. That means that I will only have 16 weeks left. I feel like I am running out of time, but am so excited and nervous at the same time. Tuesday when I go to my regular appointment, I want to see if we can go ahead and talk about an induction date so I can let work know. The way he has put it so far, I will be induced right at 37 wks. If that is the case (which I pray that it is), I will not be coming back to work after our Thanksgiving holiday.

Some of you have already heard about this "nightmare" that I have been having, but I'll let the rest of the world in on it. For the past couple of nights I have been having this repetitive dream that at my ultrasound coming up, Alicia aka ultrasound lady is going to tell me that Adalyn is a boy. You all know that as long as this baby is healthy, I'm happy, but dang, give me a break! I thought this baby was a boy from the beginning only to find out that she is a girl (which I am totally stoked about!). I just have my heart set on seeing Adalyn, not Jack anymore. Maybe Jack a few years down the road, but not in December. Does that make any sense? HAHA Anyways!

We just found out yesterday that Johnathon's cousin Amanda is pregnant. I am so happy for her. This will be #5 for them so I'm pretty sure that she has things down pat by now. I'm sure John's Granny is over the moon considering after, Ashley (37wks), Me (21wks), and Amanda (4wks) have these babies, she will have 12 great-grandchildren. How awesome is that? Trust me when I tell you, she eats every one of 'em up too! Congrats Amanda!!

And to finish this long, drawn out post, I want to share some pics of our trip to Lazy 5 Ranch. If you have never heard of this place, it is in Mooresville, NC and is super cool. You drive through this trail and these random animals come up to your car and you get to feed them. How many people can tell you that they have had a real live ZEBRA in their car? Well that was us. His head was past the steering wheel like he wanted to get in and come home with us. I'm sure Ally wouldn't have minded!