Wednesday, August 12, 2009

21 Week Check Up

We had our 21 week check up yesterday and everything went well. The baby is looking great and growing like she should. The ultrasound was very detailed so it took a while, but I didn't mind. Watching my little girl try and get away from the "camera" was hilarious. All I can say is she really needs to get over that before she gets here because as everyone already knows (especially Ally) the camera will be in her face all of the time. :o) Anywho! Adalyn already weighs just a little over a pound and from what we seen yesterday, she doesn't have the Finney nose!!! This child may look like me!! John was picking around saying that if she doesn't look like him, he's getting a paternity test. God forbid we have a child that looks like her mother!

Our meeting with Dr. Jacobs was good as well. He prescribed me some meds for my face. (If ya'll could see my face, you'd probably laugh. I seriously look like a hormonal teenager.) He also confirmed that we are still looking at inducing around 37 weeks. The closer that we get, the more we will know. I'll probably have a actual delivery date by 30 weeks or so. Oh, I forgot to mention that I gained 6 FREAKIN POUNDS IN 4 WEEKS! I thought I was going to cry. Needless to say though, I hadn't gained any weight at all up until now so I don't guess that's too bad. It was just a shocker. Weight Watchers, I will be on your wagon after Christmas!!

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