Sunday, September 13, 2009

26 weeks....

Man, where has the time gone? I'm 26 weeks today and I feel wonderful. Adalyn has been so active lately and I love it (Other than when it feels like one of her limbs are about to make an exit). When we went for my 25 week check up on Tuesday, she was right at 2 lbs and looking great. I just cant believe that we only have about 11 weeks to go before we meet this little girl. I cant wait. I bought her some cute clothes for next spring/summer yesterday from Babies R Us. One onsie in particular is already a favorite of mine. It is a simple white onsie with "Rainbow" on it. Adalyn will be our "Rainbow Baby" and I thank God each and every day for her and she's not even here yet. For those of you that are wondering what exactly a "Rainbow Baby" is, I'll let you in on the little secret. "Rainbow Babies" are the understanding that the beauty of a rainbow does not negate the ravages of the storm. When a rainbow appears, it doesn't mean that the storm never happened or that the family is not still dealing with its aftermath. What it means is that something beautiful and full of life has appeared in the midst of the darkness and clouds. Storm clouds still may hover, but the rainbow providers a counterbalance of color, energy and hope.

I go in the next couple of weeks for my Gestational Diabetes test. I am really nervous about this because I honestly think that I do have GD and that's why I have been gaining 6 lbs for the past 2 months. Whenever I mention my horrible weight gain, people keep telling me not to worry about it because I'm pregnant. To me this isn't normal because I never gained over 15 lbs with Ally or Ava so I don't know what to think about it. Studies have shown that GD links to stillbirth as well.....Maybe I developed GD later on in my pregnancy with Ava? I'm going to try to eat extra healthy for the next couple of weeks and see if it makes a difference. Don't worry, I'm not gonna starve myself, just cut back on sugars and all this dang Mexican food. :o)

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