Sunday, September 6, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

So I'm going to go ahead and post because it's Sunday already and I plan on a fun filled day tomorrow with my Ally. I really needed this 3 day weekend. I feel like I dont get to spend any time with John or Ally. We always stay so busy. It feels so routine...Come home, cook dinner, clean, bath time, and then bed time. We dont get to play or really do much of anything. Now that Ally is in dance though, that gives her something of her own and that's what we wanted. Something that is all hers and when Adalyn gets here, she doesnt have to share that.

Speaking of Adalyn, we got another 3D ultrasound done yesterday. We got some decent pics, but she still wasnt in the best position. She was literally in a ball. Hands, legs/feet, cord, anything that could be in front of her face was there. Last week, we were pretty sure that she was going to look like me....well count that out. That Finney nose is there. So far, she looks alot like Ally and Ava did around this time. That's fine with me though. We make some beautiful girls.

I broke down and bought my Nikon D40. Man, I love that thing. Go ahead and expect tons of pics from now on because I am one picture taking fool already plus a camera that is friggen awesome! Oh, yeah, you guys are definitely in for it.

We have a birthday party to go to today after church and I am pretty pumped. A friend's little girl is turning 5 and they are having her party at the skating rink. Do you have any idea how many memories I have at that very same skating rink? Oh, and guess what? Because of all of those memories, my girls are not allowed to go there until they are 18....LOL just kidding! For real though, half of my stories from growing up have something to do with that place. This will be Ally's very first time skating so go ahead and expect pics (Did I mention I now have a pretty sweet camera?).

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