Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas Ava

My Sweet Baby Girl,

I know that you are attending the biggest birthday party of them all today, but I would give anything to have you here with me. This morning as your sisters were digging into their presents, I sat back thinking of how things would be if you were here. How much fun it would be to see your eyes light up over what Santa brought you and to hear you share your happiness with us. I miss you little girl. More and more every single day. Its been 2 1/2 years since I rubbed your chubby little cheeks. Every detail of your little body will be etched in my memory forever.

I love you Ava, forever and ever in my heart. One day, our family will be together and what a sweet reunion it will be.


Merry Christmas!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Olivia is the little girl that we helped provide Christmas for this year. Doing this was simply an amazing feeling. Seeing Ally pick out clothes and toys for this little girl melted my heart. For those who wanted to know what we bought for her, here is your list :)

-- Winter Coat
-- Hat with gloves
-- 3 complete outfits
-- Diapers
-- Wooden puzzles w/ peg handles
-- Shape Sorter
-- Blocks
-- Stackable Cups
-- Elmo Music Toy

Best matched the amount of money we spent so we could buy even more for her. All together, for this family we were able to come up with almost 3,000. That is what Christmas is all about.

Friday, December 10, 2010

My Gift to Ava

This year, I have decided to "adopt" a little girl Ava's age to buy Christmas for. The little girl that we are providing Christmas for is 26 months old and has many health issues. Both her and her mother have been in and out of the hospital recently and it has put alot of stress on the family. To top it all off, she also has a 6 week old sister and the mother cannot be left alone with the kids for even the shortest amount of time. The father has lost his job and is having a hard time finding one due to the hours that he would be able to work. Please pray for me that I will be able to help give this family what every family deserves....a Christmas together. Every child needs a gift to open for Christmas and I want to do my best to make sure this little girl has an awesome Christmas.

Ava, I hope you are proud baby girl. I'm doing this for you. I love and miss you tons.

Kernersville Christmas Parade

The Kernersville Christmas parade was this past weekend and it was sooooo cold. Ally and I were in it with her Dance company. Can't wait til next year when we get to walk instead of ride in the back of a truck. Maybe it will be a little bit warmer then. :-)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

1 Year Old

It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to!! Well I've actually been a really good girl today. I started walking all by myself today and I am so proud. I've been able to do it for a while now, but I just pretended to be lazy :-) I fooled them, didnt I?? Anyway, Mommy threw me a big ol' birthday party this past weekend and I had so much fun. The cake...well I tore it up. I got some really cool presents too. Speaking of, Christmas is coming up and my sister is pretty pumped about it so I think I should be excited too. Something about the Santa Claus guy. We'll see. Off I go!

Happy Birthday To My Sweet Rainbow


A year ago today so many people were praying for your safe arrival. I was a nervous wreck, but so anxious to meet you. At 12:41am on December 1st, 2009, I heard the most beautiful sound in the world; your cry. You looked just like your sisters. I was so happy to finally have you in my arms. Time has flown by and now you are a year old. Your personality is blooming and you are absolutely beautiful. Full of wonder and excitement. I love watching you learn and explore. I love you little girl....forever and always, you will always be my baby. Happy 1st Birthday Ady.


Monday, November 1, 2010

11 Months

Hello World,

I'm 11 months today and it is officially the count down to my 1st birthday. I am taking a couple steps here and there, but I'm still crawling most of the time. Even though I'm not talking yet, I tell on Ally by screaming at her and of course Mommy hears it. For the most part, we play good together and she is my best friend. I've got 4 teeth now and I chew on everything; even Sissy's knee caps. I know, I know its bad. I get in trouble for it all of the time. Anyways, I'm gonna go play. Talk to you in a month!


Saturday, October 30, 2010


We went to our church's "Trunk or Treat" and chicken stew tonite with the girls dressed up. They had fun and the chicken stew was great as always. I thought that the costume that we finally found for Adalyn was perfect and she looked adorable.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Long Time, No Post

Wow, its been a while. Needless to say, things have been pretty crazy around my house to say the least. October has been a busy month by itself. I'm glad that its almost over, but honestly the rest of the year is gonna be pretty crazy with the holidays and everything.

My sister in law, Michelle got married October 8th and the wedding was beautiful. Even though it wasn't my wedding, man, it was stressful. LOL With John, Ally, and myself all in the wedding, things seemed to get pretty chaotic towards the end. Anyway, Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Feghaly. Now get busy and make me a niece or nephew :) Love you guys!

The Walk to Remember was October 9th and as always, it went great. It is just a very emotional day for John and I. Being with a group of people who know exactly what you have been through and the pain that you still deal with daily is so comforting. Pics to come when I get a chance :)

The Dixie Classic Fair has also been in town. We took the girls and they had a blast. Well, at least Ally did. She rode all of the rides and even wanted to ride the camel! Adalyn just hung out and watched Ally. Maybe next year we can get her on a couple of rides.

Halloween is coming up and Ally has had her costume picked out for a while now, but I cannot seem to find one for Adalyn. I have seen a bunch of cute ones, but just not any that fit her personality. Hopefully this weekend, we will find "The one".

We are going to John's cousin Noel's wedding tonite. The kids will be staying with my Mom so we can have a much needed nite to ourselves. A reason for me to go shopping for a new dress :)

When I get a chance, a bunch of pics will be posted. :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Walk To Remember 2010

This was our 3rd year attending Heartstrings Walk to Remember. These families are brought together to take the steps that their children will never take. It is truly beautiful.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dixie Classic Fair

John and I took the day off of work to take the girls to the fair. It was wonderful. We were there right when they opened so there were hardly any lines and it was so stress free. Ally had a blast, but Ady was a little upset because she couldn't ride with her sister.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Photo Session with the Girls

It was a lazy Sunday so I decided to have some picture fun with the girls. They are so fun to just sit back and watch. :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

10 Months

Hi Everybody, its me again! You know...the one who runs the Finney house? I'm 10 months old today. Mommy has been talking about how awesome my birthday party is going to be. I just want some cake. I am getting into everything now and it is soooo fun. Me and Ally play so good together. I like playing with her big girl toys. I hear Mommy and Daddy telling people that I'm starting to slim down now that I'm crawling and trying to walk. I guess thats a good thing. Maybe my feet will slim down too so we can find some shoes that I can fit these things in. Everywhere we go, people tell me how beautiful I am. I try and play shy, but they know better than that. Anyway, talk to you guys in a month!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ally's 1st Soccer Game

Other than the rain and Ally getting hit in the gut pretty hard with a soccer ball, everything went great. Some people (not mentioning any names) seemed to think they were gonna melt in the rain and decided to sit all by there lonesome under the umbrella and be a whiney jerk...well that didn't stop me and Adalyn from playing in the rain while watching Ally have the time of her life.

This was my first kids soccer game that I have ever watched and it was hilarious. They pushed, shoved, and basically hugged one another the entire time. On the other team, there was this big girl (I swear she had to 8). The parents on our team were gonna protest :) Too funny. It was a good game. Definitely entertaining.