Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cinco De Mayo!

Not one year has Cinco De Mayo meant one thing to me, but this year it brought a whole new meaning. Johnathon and I were able to hear our baby's heart beat today. This was a very emotional visit for me because I was just so scared. Its hard for me to think all positive thoughts after all we have been through. Losing Ava was by far the hardest thing I will ever have to face and after having such a horrible thing happen to me, I never thought that I would see a hint of light through this pit I have been in.

After all of the excitement between John and I at the ultrasound, they confirmed my actual due date. They have moved it from 12/25 to 12/20. Either way, we are still over the moon. Pray for us that everything will continue to go smoothly!

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