Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One Lucky Mommy

My Dearest Ava,

I just want to thank you for everything that you are doing up there in Heaven. You are watching out for your baby brother or sister and I know you will make sure they get here safely. As always, I miss you more than you will ever know, but I feel you close to me often. I am a very lucky mommy to have such a loving little angel with me. Its hard to believe that very soon you would have been 10 months old. Man, I bet you would be getting into everything. Almost walking....Wow, I can just imagine you and Ally playing together. She misses you and talks about you alot. Everytime we go shopping, she wants to pick you out a special flower to put at your resting spot. She loves you Ava, we all do. Until next time, I love and miss you more and more everyday!


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