Thursday, May 28, 2009

Almost June Already?!?!

I had my routine OB visit on Tuesday and of course, I was nervous as ever. I will be so glad when I get out of this dreadful 1st trimester. Not being able to feel the baby move bugs me and I'm not quite sure if he is okay (yes, I said he....I'll get to that in a minute). Johnathon and I have already agreed that we will invest in a doppler until the baby arrives. I will send it back this time....Unlike with Ally, I am pretty sure she was like 2 months old when I finally mailed it back! LOL Anywho, back to the visit....Dr. Jacobs explained to Johnathon and me that no amnio would be required to deliver the baby at 37 wks (Praise God!). I wasn't supposed to have an ultrasound then, but I honestly believe that Dr. Jacobs can read my mind. We were able to see the baby and "he" is measuring just 2 days ahead of our due date which is great. The heartbeat was healthy as ever beating in at 171 bpm. To answer your question, no we dont know this baby is a boy...I just have this feeling that it is. Who knows, I could be wrong....I was wrong with Ava, but right on the money with Ally. Everyone knows that I don't care what the gender is. As long as this kid comes out screaming, I will be one happy Mommy.

I guess I will let you guys in on why I am slacking at posting.....I am in a Twilight daze! I started on the first book last Thursday and I am on the last one (book 4) now. I love love love it. I have even have John reading them now too. Go ahead, call us nerds, your Twilight days will come!

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