Friday, June 26, 2009

Just alot to say...

I have been pretty busy so I havent had a chance to update on my appointment that I had on Tuesday. Everything went well and we saw a healthy baby. So healthy that they wouldnt sit still and even had its legs crossed. I was a little disappointed because I was hoping that we would find out the sex, but I am so happy that everything looks good. As of yesterday, I have really been able to feel the baby move. That makes me feel alot better about things and I wont have to rely on the doppler as much anymore. Keep us in your prayers because we still have what seems like a really long time to go.

It's hard to believe that in just a couple of weeks, Ava would be turning 1. I sit back and think about what she would be doing and what kind of trouble her and Ally would be getting into. I really wish she was, do I. Ally still talks about her and I'm glad. I want her to know that she has a very special sister. One that is so special, that Jesus wanted her by his side right away. I went by and cleaned up Ava's resting spot yesterday afternoon and it was so hard for me. Grass is officially starting to grow over the area and I hate it. Makes it seem so final. My pain is still so raw like this just happened yesterday. I just want my little girl.

Monday, June 22, 2009


So I offically cannot even concentrate today. We have an ultrasound tomorrow and we may see the goods!! You know, I really just want a healthy baby, but some finding out some extras is nice too! John and I have decided on a girl name (even though we are both pretty sure this baby is a boy). So our names are Jackson Cash and Adalyn Masen.

I hope everybody's Daddy had a wonderful Father's Day. Ally and I tried our very best to make John's day special. We cooked him ribs and were gonna make him some brownies, but we were all super stuffed. I'm sure it was bittersweet for John since this was his first Father's Day without Ava. I know she was with him yesterday though.

Anywho, I will update everybody tomorrow after my ultrasound. It's at 11:30am and then I go back for my regular visit at 2:30pm.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ava's Garden Part 1

So Bobby and Laura did this for us (well Ava) while we were on vacation in Savannah. Flowers will eventually be planted around it and mulch or rock will be where the grass is now.

Ava's Nursery

I have been a slacker and just got around to taking pictures of Ava's room. I love showing it off because in my opinion it is beautiful. Alot of blood, sweat, and tears were put into this room, but it all paid off. Ava would have loved it.


Well I have finally made it out of the dreadful 1st trimester. Time is flying by. My next doc appt isnt until next Tuesday and I will be 14wks 2 days. I know that it is still early, but I am secretly hoping that the ultrasound tech may be able to see some gender parts. I am so excited to find out the sex of this baby. The more I see, hear, and learn about this baby, the more I will be able to bond with him/her. As you all may know, that has been a big task for me this go around. As requested, here is a belly shot. I took this Sunday so I was exactly 13 wks. I know I know, I'm huge. Per the doc though, it's normal to start showing so soon especially when it hasnt even been a year since your last pregnancy. Something about your uterus, crap, I dont know. Either way, I still feel like a cow.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Oh and these pics of Ally!

A friend of mine, Kelly took these a while back and I haven't had a chance to share. I am so happy with them because Ally really didn't want to cooperate. Big props to Kelly. You are awesome!

So It's Up to Us....

First off, I received my doppler in the mail last week. I figured that I wouldnt find the heartbeat right off the bat, so I didnt get upset or start freaking out. Wednesday night, Ally wanted to hear her "baby Jack" so we all got on the bed to listen. Well guess what we found?!?! After about 10 minutes of listening to this kid roll around, flip, turn, whatever they are doing, we heard a steady heartbeat. We sat there and listened for about 20 minutes and it was the most calming and soothing sound that I could possibly hear right now.

It's getting closer to the time when we find out the sex of the baby....I am so excited. You know, it wont matter to me either way. Everybody is thinking this baby is a boy and they may be right, but you never know. I just found out that John's cousin Josh and his wife Ashley are expecting another baby girl. That will make 2 girls for them. Josh and John are the only ones left to carry on the Finney name. Considering that this baby is more than likely our last, if this isnt a boy, then Josh and Ashley, well good luck to you! :o)

John and I are having an extremely hard time deciding on a girl name. We want to keep the "AMF" tradition, but we are running out of options. He doesnt like my choices and I dont like his. He doesnt understand why I want this baby to have a name as soon as we find out the sex. I am having to explain to him that I have having a hard time bonding with this baby. Hearing the heartbeat and being able to see the baby every time I go to the doc is helping out alot, but this baby needs a name.