Friday, June 26, 2009

Just alot to say...

I have been pretty busy so I havent had a chance to update on my appointment that I had on Tuesday. Everything went well and we saw a healthy baby. So healthy that they wouldnt sit still and even had its legs crossed. I was a little disappointed because I was hoping that we would find out the sex, but I am so happy that everything looks good. As of yesterday, I have really been able to feel the baby move. That makes me feel alot better about things and I wont have to rely on the doppler as much anymore. Keep us in your prayers because we still have what seems like a really long time to go.

It's hard to believe that in just a couple of weeks, Ava would be turning 1. I sit back and think about what she would be doing and what kind of trouble her and Ally would be getting into. I really wish she was, do I. Ally still talks about her and I'm glad. I want her to know that she has a very special sister. One that is so special, that Jesus wanted her by his side right away. I went by and cleaned up Ava's resting spot yesterday afternoon and it was so hard for me. Grass is officially starting to grow over the area and I hate it. Makes it seem so final. My pain is still so raw like this just happened yesterday. I just want my little girl.

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