Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Well I have finally made it out of the dreadful 1st trimester. Time is flying by. My next doc appt isnt until next Tuesday and I will be 14wks 2 days. I know that it is still early, but I am secretly hoping that the ultrasound tech may be able to see some gender parts. I am so excited to find out the sex of this baby. The more I see, hear, and learn about this baby, the more I will be able to bond with him/her. As you all may know, that has been a big task for me this go around. As requested, here is a belly shot. I took this Sunday so I was exactly 13 wks. I know I know, I'm huge. Per the doc though, it's normal to start showing so soon especially when it hasnt even been a year since your last pregnancy. Something about your uterus, crap, I dont know. Either way, I still feel like a cow.

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