Monday, June 22, 2009


So I offically cannot even concentrate today. We have an ultrasound tomorrow and we may see the goods!! You know, I really just want a healthy baby, but some finding out some extras is nice too! John and I have decided on a girl name (even though we are both pretty sure this baby is a boy). So our names are Jackson Cash and Adalyn Masen.

I hope everybody's Daddy had a wonderful Father's Day. Ally and I tried our very best to make John's day special. We cooked him ribs and were gonna make him some brownies, but we were all super stuffed. I'm sure it was bittersweet for John since this was his first Father's Day without Ava. I know she was with him yesterday though.

Anywho, I will update everybody tomorrow after my ultrasound. It's at 11:30am and then I go back for my regular visit at 2:30pm.

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