Friday, June 5, 2009

So It's Up to Us....

First off, I received my doppler in the mail last week. I figured that I wouldnt find the heartbeat right off the bat, so I didnt get upset or start freaking out. Wednesday night, Ally wanted to hear her "baby Jack" so we all got on the bed to listen. Well guess what we found?!?! After about 10 minutes of listening to this kid roll around, flip, turn, whatever they are doing, we heard a steady heartbeat. We sat there and listened for about 20 minutes and it was the most calming and soothing sound that I could possibly hear right now.

It's getting closer to the time when we find out the sex of the baby....I am so excited. You know, it wont matter to me either way. Everybody is thinking this baby is a boy and they may be right, but you never know. I just found out that John's cousin Josh and his wife Ashley are expecting another baby girl. That will make 2 girls for them. Josh and John are the only ones left to carry on the Finney name. Considering that this baby is more than likely our last, if this isnt a boy, then Josh and Ashley, well good luck to you! :o)

John and I are having an extremely hard time deciding on a girl name. We want to keep the "AMF" tradition, but we are running out of options. He doesnt like my choices and I dont like his. He doesnt understand why I want this baby to have a name as soon as we find out the sex. I am having to explain to him that I have having a hard time bonding with this baby. Hearing the heartbeat and being able to see the baby every time I go to the doc is helping out alot, but this baby needs a name.

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