Sunday, January 24, 2010

Caught on Camera!

This makes me sad...Did you know that my little girl will be starting school next year?!?! Fall 2011, be ready for an emotional break down from me...

And this little smile...well it just makes my heart melt...
Be jealous people....I have 3 beautiful girls and 1 is lucky enough to be hanging out with Jesus himself!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Back Into the Swing of Things

I know, I know...It's been a while since I posted. Shame on me :)

Things are getting back to normal at our house. I went back to work Thursday and of course I missed the girls terribly. I think I worried my poor Aunt Becky to death those first couple days.

Adalyn is doing well. Growing like a weed! John put her on the scale last night and she weighed 12.8lbs. Our little chunk of love! She is starting to smile more and I am thrilled. She is such a serious baby so it takes alot to make her smile.

Ally, on the other hand was starting to make me worry. She started having poopy accidents like 4 days in a row. Everybody thinks that it was just a cry for attention. She didn't do it all weekend or yesterday so I hope it was just a small phase. John and I took her to the Monster Truck show on Saturday and I know that made her happy. I told her that anytime that she needed some one on one time with me or daddy just to let us know. Am I handling this right? I feel like I am, but I just don't know sometimes.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The House of Sickness

So good times...we are all sick, including Adalyn. She's pitiful. Ally got this crud from a little girl that doesn't know how to cover her mouth (not mentioning any names) when she coughs last week. She started feeling bad and running a fever on Thursday and the fever was gone by Monday, but this horrible cough is still hangin' around. Adalyn has the cough, but no fever and John has the cough and runny nose, and I just feel like poop. I feel so helpless because there is nothing that I can do for Adalyn. I have a cool mist humidifier in her room and she is sleeping on her belly (Do not say anything...she is comfy like that while sick and I do whats best for my child. I also have an Angel Care monitor so just back off) for the time being. Tuesday, she coughed so hard, she threw up her whole bottle. Its sad.

Oh a happier note, she smiled at me for the first time tonite. It was a cute lil grin and I cant wait for her to feel better so maybe we can get some more out of her. :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's Cold Outside!!!

I get on to blog a little this morning and realize that my last few posts were still pending...sorry. I'm not quite sure how that happened, but oh well. Everything is up now!

Well it's a new year and I am excited to see what it brings. I am very happy where I'm at now, but I would love to improve some things this year. One being my marriage. I love my husband and he knows that, but we both get so tied up in other things that we don't make time for us. He works all of the time and I am always tending to the kids. Since I have been on maternity leave, I am with them both all day until he gets home. As soon as he hits the door, I am up trying to get things done around the house while the kids are occupied with him. I know things will get better, but I want this to be a priority of mine this year. Make time for the hubby. Even if its just some snuggle time on the couch while we watch Monsters vs Aliens with Ally... :)

Another thing that I am working on this year is losing weight. I am super excited about it too. I joined Weight Watchers Thursday and have been going at it since then. I got on the scale this morning (just curious) and I have already lost 5 lbs!!! Woot Woot!!

To incorporate the title of the is freakin' cold outside. Like 18 degrees cold outside.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!

From our family to yours. I hope that 2010 brings nothing but happiness to you all!

1 Month

Hello World! I am 1 month old today, can you believe it?!? Mommy says that I am changing so much. Maybe that's why she keeps the camera in my face ALL of the time. Today is also New Years Day and Mommy seems a little sad. I think she misses my sissy, Ava. She tells me about her all of the time and how one day a long long long time from now, I will get to meet her.

I'm not really doing much yet other than sleeping, eating, and pooping, but I hear Mommy and Daddy tell everybody that I am a wonderful baby. I guess that's good, right?

Oh and by the way, this picture that my Mommy has posted on here today....yeah, I'm gonna get her one day for that! She caught me by surprise...

Love, Adalyn