Friday, January 1, 2010

1 Month

Hello World! I am 1 month old today, can you believe it?!? Mommy says that I am changing so much. Maybe that's why she keeps the camera in my face ALL of the time. Today is also New Years Day and Mommy seems a little sad. I think she misses my sissy, Ava. She tells me about her all of the time and how one day a long long long time from now, I will get to meet her.

I'm not really doing much yet other than sleeping, eating, and pooping, but I hear Mommy and Daddy tell everybody that I am a wonderful baby. I guess that's good, right?

Oh and by the way, this picture that my Mommy has posted on here today....yeah, I'm gonna get her one day for that! She caught me by surprise...

Love, Adalyn

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