Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Back Into the Swing of Things

I know, I know...It's been a while since I posted. Shame on me :)

Things are getting back to normal at our house. I went back to work Thursday and of course I missed the girls terribly. I think I worried my poor Aunt Becky to death those first couple days.

Adalyn is doing well. Growing like a weed! John put her on the scale last night and she weighed 12.8lbs. Our little chunk of love! She is starting to smile more and I am thrilled. She is such a serious baby so it takes alot to make her smile.

Ally, on the other hand was starting to make me worry. She started having poopy accidents like 4 days in a row. Everybody thinks that it was just a cry for attention. She didn't do it all weekend or yesterday so I hope it was just a small phase. John and I took her to the Monster Truck show on Saturday and I know that made her happy. I told her that anytime that she needed some one on one time with me or daddy just to let us know. Am I handling this right? I feel like I am, but I just don't know sometimes.

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