Sunday, January 3, 2010

It's Cold Outside!!!

I get on to blog a little this morning and realize that my last few posts were still pending...sorry. I'm not quite sure how that happened, but oh well. Everything is up now!

Well it's a new year and I am excited to see what it brings. I am very happy where I'm at now, but I would love to improve some things this year. One being my marriage. I love my husband and he knows that, but we both get so tied up in other things that we don't make time for us. He works all of the time and I am always tending to the kids. Since I have been on maternity leave, I am with them both all day until he gets home. As soon as he hits the door, I am up trying to get things done around the house while the kids are occupied with him. I know things will get better, but I want this to be a priority of mine this year. Make time for the hubby. Even if its just some snuggle time on the couch while we watch Monsters vs Aliens with Ally... :)

Another thing that I am working on this year is losing weight. I am super excited about it too. I joined Weight Watchers Thursday and have been going at it since then. I got on the scale this morning (just curious) and I have already lost 5 lbs!!! Woot Woot!!

To incorporate the title of the is freakin' cold outside. Like 18 degrees cold outside.

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