Thursday, January 7, 2010

The House of Sickness

So good times...we are all sick, including Adalyn. She's pitiful. Ally got this crud from a little girl that doesn't know how to cover her mouth (not mentioning any names) when she coughs last week. She started feeling bad and running a fever on Thursday and the fever was gone by Monday, but this horrible cough is still hangin' around. Adalyn has the cough, but no fever and John has the cough and runny nose, and I just feel like poop. I feel so helpless because there is nothing that I can do for Adalyn. I have a cool mist humidifier in her room and she is sleeping on her belly (Do not say anything...she is comfy like that while sick and I do whats best for my child. I also have an Angel Care monitor so just back off) for the time being. Tuesday, she coughed so hard, she threw up her whole bottle. Its sad.

Oh a happier note, she smiled at me for the first time tonite. It was a cute lil grin and I cant wait for her to feel better so maybe we can get some more out of her. :)

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