Thursday, July 1, 2010

7 Months

Its Ady again...I am 7 months old today! Can you believe it?!? Mommy and Daddy sure cant. Mommy said that it seems like yesterday I was in her belly. I tried to crawl yesterday and it was a success for about 2 scoots and then I got tired. Tired you say? You try hauling me around all day and see how you feel!! I think I'm a pretty cool baby if I say so myself. Mommy got me these cool shades and I just smile and laugh when she puts them on me. I eat just about everything you give me other than chicken noodle. I actually gagged when I ate that. Gross. My two bottom teeth are trying to come through and it doesn't matter what I chew on, they just aren't giving in. I. Want. To. Sleep. :) Speaking of, I think Im gonna take me a lil nap.


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