Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Ava

My Dearest Ava,

Today we celebrate here on Earth while you are rejoicing in Heaven. Its so hard to believe that you would be 2 years old. You and your sisters would be getting into so much trouble together, but Im sure that you all would be the best of friends. I sit back and imagine you running around the house and how sweet it would be to hear you tell me goodnite and you love me. I miss you so much and even though I know you are safe and in good hands, I would have you here in a heartbeat. I know that is selfish of me, but even if I could just have a day. A single day to just hold you and remind you just how much I love you and how much I wanted you to have the perfect life here with me. The life where I make the hurt go away by a single kiss on a "boo boo" and where your Daddy is your hero. No matter what, know that you will always have a piece of my heart with you. Happy Birthday Sweetheart. I love and miss you tons. Fly high baby girl.


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