Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Blahs

You would think since I have had a 3 day weekend, things would be done at my house and I could just hang out and do nothing. Well darlin, you are so wrong. My plans were to get up this morning and the girls and I were going to go to church. My plans were suddenly cancelled when Adalyn cried for 45 solid minutes just gnawing on her poor thumb. I get us all dressed because like it or not, we had to go to Wal-Mart today to pick up a few things. We walk outside and get hit with a sheet of humidity that fogs up my glasses and within just a few minutes I'm pretty sure my jeans were stuck to me. I finally get the kids loaded up and buckled and we head out. While out, I decided that my car really needed to be washed so we went through the car wash that Ally loves. Well guess who didn't? You guessed it; Adalyn. Every time the spin brush thingy would pass by her window, she would scream like someone took her food away. That was the last straw for her so we came on home. I know that may not sound to adventurous to you guys, but I have the 2 coolest kids on the block and every day is an adventure in this house.

Even though I have been through alot these past few years, I have sat back today and thought about everything I am thankful for. I have a wonderful family, awesome friends, a good job, and I catch myself taking these things for granted. Have you ever had somebody that you could trust with anything? I was asked that question the other day and it made me think about how lucky I am to have Heather in my life. We may go weeks without talking because we get caught up in everyday life, but when I need her, she is there within a blink of an eye. She is the only girl that I have ever met that we could scream at each other until we are blue in the face and then just laugh about it. If you dont have her as a friend, you are truely missing out because let me just tell you, her ADD tail is one of a kind. :) Love you girl!

Well anyways, instead of just rambling, I guess I need to get busy doing the things that I should have been doing yesterday (ie: laundry). Much love!

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