Monday, August 30, 2010


I'm gonna try and make this post a little more positive than my last one. Evidently, I was having a pretty crappy day last week :)

Ally had her first soccer practice on Saturday and she was sooo cute. I know I am a little biased, but hey, what Mom aint? It took her a few minutes to warm up to the other kids, but once she did, other than flirting with this little boy named Alex, everything went well.

Have I mentioned lately that I love my job?? Really though, I don't think I could work for a better company. Where else could you work and they allow you to bring your kids to work whenever you want, wear whatever you want, gives you the opportunity to earn 800.00 extra bucks every month, and puts up with a mouth like mine? I have met some amazing people there and look forward to growing within the company. Even though I am the baby and tend to keep the old folks on their toes, its a whole lotta fun. :) I hope everyone gets the opportunity to look forward to going to work every day. *I hope my boss is reading this so I can get a sweet raise*

I guess I better get going and get caught up on some house work. I have a big weekend ahead of me :)

Below is a mini time line of how things happen in my house....1) Wide open 2) Chasing after one another, and last but not least 3) Sit there and act like absolutely nothing happened. Love it :)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Rough Case of PMS

So today hasn't been the best day in the world...I'm blaming it on PMS. Every time I turn around something has blown up in my face and I have wanted to scream. It all started first thing this morning...Me and my lovely girls over slept. It was a dang good sleep too. I figured it would get better because I wasn't going to work; I had this leadership conference instead. Boy was I wrong. The leadership conference was great, it was the bad decision of going to work afterwards. I get there, everybody is red in the face and things are complete freakin' chaos. I wanted to just turn around and act like I never came in. They are all stressed out because I wasn't there and that left them having to take on some responsibility. God forbid they do their job....I head out a little early, pick up the kids and what do I get? A four year old that doesn't want to listen and a 8 month old with separation anxiety. Ahh, well it will get better right? It has to...I get home to a messy house (that I'm obviously gonna have to be the one to clean it) and a nagging husband swearing that every time he said a word to me, I snapped. Well, I probably did. Say something. ANYWAYS. I figure, what else could complete my awesome day than my favorite Hamburger Helper. Oh that. Dinner is complete, we eat, I bathe the kids, kids in the bed, I go take a shower. Hot shower...washy washy washy, shavey shavey shavey....BAM! Looks like a friggen murder scene in the shower. Man, cut my thigh. Seriously? Now, I'm sitting here telling the world about it drinking a big ol' glass of OJ. What more could a chick ask for? With that being said, its past my bedtime. Nite Nite :)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Haylie Elizabeth!!

Four years ago today, my best friend gave birth to one of the most amazing little girls I have ever met. Not only is she absolutely beautiful, but she has touched so many lives with her bubbly personality and sweet smile. I am lucky to be part of her life.

I love you Haylie! I cannot wait to see the person that you grow up to be. Continue to shine bright little girl!!

Aunt Jenn

Monday, August 23, 2010

Its Getting To Be That Time Again...

Today was the very first day to register for Heartstrings Walk to Remember. Everyone who follows my blog, knows our story, but may not know that we are involved in Heartstrings Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support Group. This wonderful organization offers group support, one-on-one support for those with similar losses through its Connections program, and online support. They also offer subsequent pregnancy support. All of their programs are available free to anyone who has lost a baby from conception to one year of age. In addition, they also provide education and communication to caregivers and professionals to help them better understand how pregnancy and infant loss affects families. When we lost Ava, Heartstrings provided validation for our loss and came alongside us in our grief. On October 9, 2010, we will have the opportunity to walk in Heartstrings Sixth Annual A Walk to Remember to honor our daughter that grew her wings too soon. We are asking you to support us as we walk for Ava and help to provide funding for Heartstrings to reach out to other families in their time of need. In doing so, you will pass along the hope and love that we received at such a desperate time in our lives. Please send your donations to us at 965 Peachtree Meadows Circle, Kernersville, NC (Or you can give to me directly) and we will present them to Heartstrings in honor of Ava on the day of the Walk. You can make checks payable to Heartstrings Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support with Ava Morgan Finney on the memo line. I welcome each and every one of you to come walk with us and see the difference that this program has made in so many family's lives. It is truly amazing. If you would like additional information on the walk, or would like to register to walk with us, please go to Please spread the word. We were able to donate over 600.00 in Ava's name last year...I know that can be topped this year.

With that being said, I'm not sure I ever shared Ava's obituary with you guys. I have it laminated on book mark so I read it often.

Infant Ava Morgan Finney was born sleeping in the arms of her Lord on July 16, 2008. "Our loss on earth is Heaven’s gain of our sweet little angel." She is survived by her loving parents, Jennifer and John Finney. Ava is also survived by her sister, Ally Finney; Maternal Grandmother, Shelia Baugus; Paternal Grandparents, Laura Clark and Bobby Long and David and Fonda Finney; great-grandparents, Shirley and Vaughn Brown; an aunt, Michelle Finney and an uncle Chris Cardwell and many others who will always love her. A graveside funeral service will be held at 11:30AM, Monday, July 21, 2008 at Samaritan Baptist Church. The family will receive friends from 6:00pm until 8:00pm on Sunday, July 20th at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel. The family would like to express their sincere appreciation to Dr. Brad Jacobs and the Labor and Delivery staff at Forsyth Medical Center. “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. -Luke 18:16. Online condolences may be made at

I miss my baby girl more and more every day. Anybody who says it will get easier...well they lied. There is not a single day that goes by that I don't think about her and wonder what she would look like or what she would be doing right now. Everything that Adalyn does, and as she grows, I think of Ava. I still think back about things that I could have done to prevent her death. It is said that I couldn't have done anything to prevent it, but who knows? I didn't get an explanation for her death. Did God take my child to test my faith? Will I ever know for sure? No. Why didn't my child get to live the life she deserved? Why did God take her and not me? It has been 2 years and I still have alot of anger built up about the situation as a whole. I still question God even though I know that he knows best. I know that eventually these feelings will pass, but the pain will not. I pray every day that no parent ever has to deal with losing a child.

I want to thank all of my friends and family for helping me get through the past 2 years. Your patience and understanding has meant more to me that you will ever know. I love each and every one of you.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Even though its only been just a couple of weeks, alot has happened. Its amazing how time flies. Ady started crawling a little over a week ago and she is gettin it now. Ive had to break out the baby gate and start baby proofing the house. She is developing quite the personality. Her and Ally get along so well. I truely am blessed. Watching Adalyn grow up really does make me want another baby. If I am not good at anything in this world, I know I'm a good mom. I make sure my kids have what they need, what they want, and even stuff I just want to play with. I put them first and thats where they will always be. Back to the "another baby" thing. Even though I know I wouldnt be able to handle another baby right now, I dont think I could handle another pregnancy...Ever. By the time I had Adalyn, my body was both mentally and physically exhausted. People just dont understand that. I keep having people drill me about that "Finney Boy". Well I hate to break it to you guys, but I'm pretty sure Im done in the baby making business. My Finney girls are all I need.

Ally starts soccer this month and she is so excited. Did I suggest she play soccer? Hell no. If it were totally up to me, she would be out on the softball field, but she isnt old enough yet. You have to be 5 to play T-ball so maybe in the spring. :) If she likes soccer, great, but if not, my feeling arent going to be hurt at all. She's still dancing and loves it so I know that regardless she will have something that she likes to do and still gets that interaction with girls her age.

Me and some of the girls from work are going to the Panther's game on Saturday and I am pumped. I need this soo bad. A break from everything. Football season is my fav time of year. Not only do I love football, its getting cold, the fair comes to town...I dont know, its just my fav. Anyways.

Since I am rambling pretty bad and its getting late, let me finish by requesting that you guys keep my uncles wife's family in your prayers. Her 23 year old nephew was killed today and he has 2 small children and 1 on the way.

Monday, August 2, 2010

This and That

Tonite its just me and Ady hanging out while John and Ally are at Vacation Bible School. Other than the fact that Sugarland is blaring from my computer and I've been entertaining her by singing and dancing in the kitchen, we're having a semi normal evening. (By the way, Sugarland's song "What I'd give" is a personal fav of mine right now.) We just do fun stuff like this....

You cannot tell me that aint funny...HAHAHAHAHA

Adalyn is getting closer to crawling every day. She is doing this really cool scoot on her butt that is hilarious and shes actually pretty fast. She really is a good baby. She's that baby that is so good, it makes you want another....then you snap back into reality.

Ally...well lets talk about Ally. She looked at my poor Aunt Becky today and said, "What the hell is that?!?". Becky couldnt even look at me with a straight face when she told me. Ally knew she was in trouble though. She immediately said, "Mommy, Im sorry, Im sorry. I dont know why I said it." Seriously, what do you say to her? I couldnt help, but laugh, but at the same time, I dont want her going around talking like that. Anyway.

We will be heading to SC this weekend to see John's side of the family. Most of them have never met Adalyn so it will be a good visit. John's uncle Tony is a preacher down there and the Rochester's will be singing Sunday at their homecoming. They are always so good. The song "In God's Hands" by them was played at Ava's funeral.

I go to the eye doctor tomorrow. I have been having alot of problems with my eyes lately and I am so ready for them to be over. This morning I woke up, and while I was brushing my teeth, I looked in the mirror and freaked out. I looked like the devil...for real. My eyes were sooooo red. I'm hoping it was just an allergic reaction to some new eye liner. We will find out tomorrow for sure.

Time for True Blood on demand :)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

8 Months

Hello World, its Ady again. Man this month has flown by and believe it or not, I am already 8 months old! I finally got some teeth...2 to be exact! I've had the sitting up thing down pat for a while now, but I'm trying to bust out this joint now. I'm doing this thing Mommy calls the "Army crawl". I'm getting really good at it and I'm getting fast too. My favorite show is Yo Gabba Gabba. I think its only because Mommy hates it. The guy with the cool fro, yeah...he makes me laugh, but Mommy thinks he is pretty ridiculous. I watch Wonder Pets too, but that's something I only do with Sissy. If she's not around, forget it. Anyway, talk to you guys in a month! I've got some crawling to do!
