Monday, August 16, 2010


Even though its only been just a couple of weeks, alot has happened. Its amazing how time flies. Ady started crawling a little over a week ago and she is gettin it now. Ive had to break out the baby gate and start baby proofing the house. She is developing quite the personality. Her and Ally get along so well. I truely am blessed. Watching Adalyn grow up really does make me want another baby. If I am not good at anything in this world, I know I'm a good mom. I make sure my kids have what they need, what they want, and even stuff I just want to play with. I put them first and thats where they will always be. Back to the "another baby" thing. Even though I know I wouldnt be able to handle another baby right now, I dont think I could handle another pregnancy...Ever. By the time I had Adalyn, my body was both mentally and physically exhausted. People just dont understand that. I keep having people drill me about that "Finney Boy". Well I hate to break it to you guys, but I'm pretty sure Im done in the baby making business. My Finney girls are all I need.

Ally starts soccer this month and she is so excited. Did I suggest she play soccer? Hell no. If it were totally up to me, she would be out on the softball field, but she isnt old enough yet. You have to be 5 to play T-ball so maybe in the spring. :) If she likes soccer, great, but if not, my feeling arent going to be hurt at all. She's still dancing and loves it so I know that regardless she will have something that she likes to do and still gets that interaction with girls her age.

Me and some of the girls from work are going to the Panther's game on Saturday and I am pumped. I need this soo bad. A break from everything. Football season is my fav time of year. Not only do I love football, its getting cold, the fair comes to town...I dont know, its just my fav. Anyways.

Since I am rambling pretty bad and its getting late, let me finish by requesting that you guys keep my uncles wife's family in your prayers. Her 23 year old nephew was killed today and he has 2 small children and 1 on the way.

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