Monday, August 2, 2010

This and That

Tonite its just me and Ady hanging out while John and Ally are at Vacation Bible School. Other than the fact that Sugarland is blaring from my computer and I've been entertaining her by singing and dancing in the kitchen, we're having a semi normal evening. (By the way, Sugarland's song "What I'd give" is a personal fav of mine right now.) We just do fun stuff like this....

You cannot tell me that aint funny...HAHAHAHAHA

Adalyn is getting closer to crawling every day. She is doing this really cool scoot on her butt that is hilarious and shes actually pretty fast. She really is a good baby. She's that baby that is so good, it makes you want another....then you snap back into reality.

Ally...well lets talk about Ally. She looked at my poor Aunt Becky today and said, "What the hell is that?!?". Becky couldnt even look at me with a straight face when she told me. Ally knew she was in trouble though. She immediately said, "Mommy, Im sorry, Im sorry. I dont know why I said it." Seriously, what do you say to her? I couldnt help, but laugh, but at the same time, I dont want her going around talking like that. Anyway.

We will be heading to SC this weekend to see John's side of the family. Most of them have never met Adalyn so it will be a good visit. John's uncle Tony is a preacher down there and the Rochester's will be singing Sunday at their homecoming. They are always so good. The song "In God's Hands" by them was played at Ava's funeral.

I go to the eye doctor tomorrow. I have been having alot of problems with my eyes lately and I am so ready for them to be over. This morning I woke up, and while I was brushing my teeth, I looked in the mirror and freaked out. I looked like the devil...for real. My eyes were sooooo red. I'm hoping it was just an allergic reaction to some new eye liner. We will find out tomorrow for sure.

Time for True Blood on demand :)

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